fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify

Open an elevated command prompt window (command prompt as Administrator), and run the following command. But if you just would like to double-check and make sure, here is How to check if TRIM is enabled Normally you shouldn’t need to worry about whether the TRIM is enabled or not since it’s been taken care of at operating system level. The SSD drive will then automatically erase that file on the block accordingly. When enabled, Windows will send a TRIM command to instruct your SSD every time you delete a file. On Windows 7 and above, including Windows 10, TRIM is enabled by default on solid-state drives. It manages the performance of SSD drives at a good state over the entire life span.

TRIM is crucial to an SSD drive as it’s the only communication channel that tells the SSD drive which block of data can be overwritten and which ones can’t. It’s an SSD-related term that can be ignored if you don’t have one installed on your computer. TRIM is a special ATA command that allows the operating system to inform a solid-state drive (SSD) drive which blocks of data are no longer considered in use and thus can be wiped internally.